Radio Advertising


Designing an ad campaign means making tough decisions about where, when, and how to invest your company's time and money. One veritable truth is that ad campaigns that only cover the internet or only cover print or digital media are not as effective as campaigns that integrate local radio ads into the budget. 

Radio ads reach listeners that are not predisposed to search the internet or use social media. Radio has the largest reach with listeners in all age groups.  

Radio listeners hear radio ads while they are driving a car. These listeners cannot (safely) distract themselves with their phones or other screens. Instead, they are captivated by what they hear. In an era of distractions, that is an important benefit. Keeping a business’s name out there continually sends a strong message about the strength, reliability and success of your business  

Including local radio in your next ad campaign is critical to reaching a targeted audience segment, increasing sales, and bringing in more business revenue. Local radio is perfectly positioned to help you do just that.. 

 Advertising on BWR provides local business a unique and cost effective means of promoting their products and services. BWR is the ideal choice for YOUR business to reach out to our listeners —BWR delivers proven results!

Let BWR create a cost effective radio package that suits you.

We also air pre-produced ads too!

** Special rates available for non-profit groups

Call: 519 507 0200 or 519 370 9090

Request our Rate Card This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Germania Mutual
Grey Bruce Brick

Maple Court Retirement
Member Station
Holly Yvonne Designs

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